
”We Can Be The New Wind” – Αλέξανδρος Ανεσιάδης

todayMarch 24, 2024 86

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Tην Τρίτη 17 Μάϊου, ο Γιώργος Γαλάνης στην εκπομπή του, θα συναντήσει τον συγγραφέα του εκπληκτικού βιβλίου We Can Be The New Wind, Αλέξανδρο Ανεσιάδη. Θα μιλήσουν για μουσική, για το βιβλίο και θα δώσουν τρία αντίτυπα του βιβλίου σε τρείς τυχερούς ακροατές!
Συντονίσου 18.00 -21.00 #1055Rock

We Can Be The New Wind:

Encyclopaedia of 1980-1989 Pop-Punk including interviews
and insights. Featuring over 900 bands.

Amazon - We can be the new wind: Anesiadis, Alexandros, Walsby, Brian:  9781838356767: Books

‘We Can Be The New Wind’ captures the era when bands
throughout the world were blending more melodic and
experimental styles whilst heading in an alternative rock
direction for hardcore punk. It is the early encyclopaedia of
powerful pop-punk. Including in-depth profiles of both the
bigger names and more underground players that helped
push this new sound forward and interviews with over 150
bands, such as 7 Seconds, Husker Du, Dream Syndicate,
Hard-Ons, Camper Van Beethoven, The Plimsouls and To
Damascus. More than 900 bands from all over the world,
active from 1980 to 1989, get an interesting and insightful

“Anesiadis writes from a place of love and respect and has interviewed many of the band members for this book.
There are some great facts that even the most seasoned of journalists will discover they didn’t know.”
-John Deaux, All About The Rock

Pre – order the book here !

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